Effect Doppler

Doppler effect is usually often we experience but sometimes we do not realize that the things that we do closely related to the Doppler effect. a unique event was first observed and described by Christian Johann Doppler in 1842 which became known as the Doppler Effect.

examples of the application of Doppler effect in our lives is when we are in a tunnel as the train moved closer to us so fast we'll hear a train sound is increasingly high. Then if the train was still ringing when the train has passed and away from us, the train was sounding voice will be more low (until eventually lost).

Illustrations that I mentioned above we can conclude that if the sound source (in this case is a passing train) and the observer or listener to move relative to one another (away from or close to) the frequency of which was captured by the observer is not the same frequency emitted by the source.
This video related to Effect Doppler:

When the sound source and observer move closer to each other, then the frequency of the captured observers (fp) will be greater than the frequency of the sound source (fs), and vice versa when the source and the observer moves away from each other, then the frequency that the observer was arrested less than the frequency of the sound source.

Hopefully this discussion useful. Congratulations learning companions !!
READ MORE - Effect Doppler

The Formula and Theory Of Black Principality

The principle of Black is a theory developed by Joseph Black. This theory is so far known as the Principle of Black. Principle of Black gives a description of the concept of thermodynamics. The principle of this Black describes:
  • If two objects of different temperatures are mixed, hot objects that provide heat on cold objects so that eventually the same temperature
  • The amount of heat absorbed by cold objects equal to the amount of heat released hot objects
  • Things cooled off the heat as great as the heat is absorbed when heated
Principle formula Black:
(M1 X C1) (T1-Ta) = (M2 X C2) (Ta-T2)
M1 = mass of objects that have a higher temperature level
C1 = heat of objects that have a higher temperature level
Ta = temperature of objects that have a higher temperature level
T1 = temperature of the end of the mixing of the two objects
M2 = mass of objects that have a lower temperature level
C2 = heat of objects that have a lower temperature level
T2 = temperature of objects that have a lower temperature level

Hopefully this discussion useful. Congratulations learning companions !!
READ MORE - The Formula and Theory Of Black Principality

The Nature Of Substance Solid Expansion

Expansion is increasing the size of an object due to the change in temperature or increase the length. Expansion took place on three properties of the object that is solid, liquid and gas. All three of these substances is a supporting element in the earth.

The nature of the solid expansion in the elongation will occur, this is called the expansion length (for one dimension). The second is the expansion area (two dimensions), this happens to objects that have a size and a final two-dimensional nature of the expansion is the expansion volume gas substances (for three dimensions).

For other substances, the liquid and gas substances happened only volume expansion alone, especially on gas substances are usually taken the value of the volume expansion coefficient equal to 1 / 273.

This is related videos The Nature Of Substance Solid Expansion

Hopefully useful to you. Do not forget to comment on this blog.
READ MORE - The Nature Of Substance Solid Expansion

High Current and Low Current

High currents and Low currents have a very clear distinction, is the sum of the currents used in a job they do. This term is actually growing in the industry.
boundary weak and strong current flow is quite clear but in some modules, PCB or electronic parts the other two terms can be joined for example, inverter, rectifier, or power supply, even in DC-DC converter.

In the industrial world, people who take care of electrical power such as the National Electricity Company line air conditioners, generators, power networks for the machines. they are divided into groups of strong currents.

while orang2 who are involved in the computer hardware, monitors, communication tools, the module controller, PLC, microcontroller, and the like used to enter the weak current.

In schools this is usually separate disciplines such as strong currents installation electric department, industrial electricity, etc., while the weak current department is electronics, industrial electronic, electronic communication, or even the instrumentation industry classifications into the weak current.

but in reality the industry and keeping this term is absent and only have one term that is part electric.

This explanation is only a general description, and I think quite hard to distinguish the term is based on the value above the current instance 1Ampere called strong flows because orang2 who worked with the inverter device can be achieved when they are grouped 15A weak currents, even at times a strong current of people just install the tool which the current consumption of only 0.2A.

so anything with the voltage magnitude is quite difficult to distinguish for this term.
READ MORE - High Current and Low Current


Newton laws were first launching by Sir Isaac Newton in his work Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, first published on July 5, 1687. Newton used them to explain and investigate the motion of many physical objects and systems. Newton's laws are applied to bodies (objects) which are considered or idealized as a particle, in the sense that the extent of the body is neglected in the evaluation of its motion, i.e., the object is small compared to the distances involved in the analysis, or the deformation and rotation of the body is of no importance in the analysis.

Newton's First Law of Motion:
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.

Newton's Second Law of Motion:
II. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.

Newton's Third Law of Motion:
III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Greek Letters In Physics

Greek letters were widely used in physics, because it is able to make a symbol that has meaning for reading. Just like my previous post about the Alphabet in physics that gives a brief impression in reading. Example of the Greek letter used by the physicists

α (alpha): Acceleration angle.
β (beta), γ (gamma): This type of nuclear radiation, together with α. In special relativity, Lorentz factor γ means.
δ (delta): Dirac delta function.
ε (epsilon): a constant electric permittivity.
η (eta): On several occasions, mean efficiency.
θ (theta): Angle.
κ (kappa): Bulk Modulus.
λ (lambda): Wavelength; meeting the electrical charge per unit length.
μ (mu): magnetic moment. Also used to express the magnetic permeability.
ν (nu): Frequency.
ξ (xi): One type is named with the letter the amount of baryons (Ξ)
π (pi): In addition to the number 3.1415926535 ... is also related to parity symmetry.
ρ (rho): Meeting of the mass or electric charge per unit volume, as well as electrical resistivity (resistor type).
σ (sigma): The electrical conductivity; meeting the electrical charge per unit area. Also to Steve-Boltzmann constant.
τ (tau): Torque.
φ (phi): In a letter size (Φ) means of magnetic flux.
χ (chi): Susceptibility. χe χm to magnets and electricity.
ψ (psi): In quantum physics, is used to express the wave function, which declared a state.
ω (omega): angular velocity. Font size, Ω, for Ohm.
READ MORE - Greek Letters In Physics

Alphabet In Physics

Alphabet In physics create various quantities and units to describe natural events (also artificial) that occur. To write it, were created symbols relating to mention, who came from several sources. Some quantities and units named after its discoverer, while others are named in English. Other even more magic again. All of these symbols would need to be shortened writing, often becomes one letter only.

Sample letter used by the physicists:
A: Ampere, unit of electric current; a for acceleration or acceleration.
B: magnetic induction field. Probably derived from Biot-Savart.
C: Coulomb, unit of electric charge, c for the speed of light.
D: The electric field shift (displacement), d is often used for distance (distance)
E: Energy; electric field (electric field). e for the electric charge of electrons.
F: Force (force); f for frequency.
G: Newton's gravitational constant, g is used for the acceleration of gravity.
H: magnetic field due to electric current. Also H for Henry, the unit of inductance. h for Planck's constant.
I: Electric current.
A: The Joule, a unit of energy. Also for the electric current density.
K: Usually used as constants (eg: F = k q1 q2 / r2). k for Boltzmann's constant.
L: Liter; angular momentum, orbital quantum number. Also commonly used for long (length).
M: mass, magnetization, meters.
N: Newton, the unit of force. Also the main quantum number and the number of particles (number) in a mole.
O: Well, this letter is not used because it looks like the number zero. If only the other form, may be used as the unit of resistance, Ohm.
P: Power (power); pressure (pressure), electric polarization, p for the electric dipole moment and linear momentum.
Q: Often used in thermodynamics for business. q for electric charge.
R: usually used for the radius of the circle (radius) and distance (range).
S: Entropy. s for second (second) and spin in quantum physics.
T: Time; period; temperature. Also T for Tesla, a unit for magnetic induction field.
U: Internal energy. Sometimes used to indicate the speed, if the letter v is used.
V: The speed, the velocity. Also quantities and units of voltage (voltage and volts) and the potential in general.
W: Business (Work). Watt is a unit of power.
X, Y, Z are used as coordinates. Y for Young's modulus; in nuclear physics, Z represents the number of protons in the nucleus.
READ MORE - Alphabet In Physics

Dimensional Quantities

Dimensional quantities are represented by symbols, eg M, L, T, which represents the mass (mass), length (length) and time (time). There are two kinds of dimensions are Dimensions of Primary and Secondary Dimensions. Primary dimensions include the M (for unit mass), L (for unit length) and T (for units of time). Secondary dimensions are the dimensions of all the magnitude of derivatives which are stated in Primary Dimensions. Example: Dimension Style: ML T-2 or Acceleration dimensions: L T-2.

Here is a table showing the dimensions and scale of seven basic units in the system of International Units:
Benefit Dimensions in Physics, among others: (1) can be used to prove the two quantities equal to or not. Two quantities equal if both have the same dimensions or both of them including vector quantity or scalar, (2) can be used to determine the equation that must be wrong or may be true, (3) can be used to derive the equation of a physical property if proportionality with the amount of physical quantities such -other physical quantities are known.

Units and dimensions of a physical variable are two different things. Units of physical quantities are defined by treaty, dealing with certain standards (for example, the length scale can have units meters, feet, inches, miles, or micrometer), but only one-dimensional length scale, namely L. Two sets are different can be converted to one another (for example: 1 m = 39.37 in.; figure 39.37 is called a conversion factor), while no conversion factor antarlambang dimensions.
READ MORE - Dimensional Quantities