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Portal Gratis Trik Blog dan SEO
Principle formula Black:
- If two objects of different temperatures are mixed, hot objects that provide heat on cold objects so that eventually the same temperature
- The amount of heat absorbed by cold objects equal to the amount of heat released hot objects
- Things cooled off the heat as great as the heat is absorbed when heated
(M1 X C1) (T1-Ta) = (M2 X C2) (Ta-T2)
M1 = mass of objects that have a higher temperature level
C1 = heat of objects that have a higher temperature level
Ta = temperature of objects that have a higher temperature level
T1 = temperature of the end of the mixing of the two objects
M2 = mass of objects that have a lower temperature level
C2 = heat of objects that have a lower temperature level
T2 = temperature of objects that have a lower temperature level
I. Every object in a state of uniform motion tends to remain in that state of motion unless an external force is applied to it.
II. The relationship between an object's mass m, its acceleration a, and the applied force F is F = ma. Acceleration and force are vectors (as indicated by their symbols being displayed in slant bold font); in this law the direction of the force vector is the same as the direction of the acceleration vector.
III. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.
α (alpha): Acceleration angle.
β (beta), γ (gamma): This type of nuclear radiation, together with α. In special relativity, Lorentz factor γ means.
δ (delta): Dirac delta function.
ε (epsilon): a constant electric permittivity.
η (eta): On several occasions, mean efficiency.
θ (theta): Angle.
κ (kappa): Bulk Modulus.
λ (lambda): Wavelength; meeting the electrical charge per unit length.
μ (mu): magnetic moment. Also used to express the magnetic permeability.
ν (nu): Frequency.
ξ (xi): One type is named with the letter the amount of baryons (Ξ)
π (pi): In addition to the number 3.1415926535 ... is also related to parity symmetry.
ρ (rho): Meeting of the mass or electric charge per unit volume, as well as electrical resistivity (resistor type).
σ (sigma): The electrical conductivity; meeting the electrical charge per unit area. Also to Steve-Boltzmann constant.
τ (tau): Torque.
φ (phi): In a letter size (Φ) means of magnetic flux.
χ (chi): Susceptibility. χe χm to magnets and electricity.
ψ (psi): In quantum physics, is used to express the wave function, which declared a state.
ω (omega): angular velocity. Font size, Ω, for Ohm.
A: Ampere, unit of electric current; a for acceleration or acceleration.
B: magnetic induction field. Probably derived from Biot-Savart.
C: Coulomb, unit of electric charge, c for the speed of light.
D: The electric field shift (displacement), d is often used for distance (distance)
E: Energy; electric field (electric field). e for the electric charge of electrons.
F: Force (force); f for frequency.
G: Newton's gravitational constant, g is used for the acceleration of gravity.
H: magnetic field due to electric current. Also H for Henry, the unit of inductance. h for Planck's constant.
I: Electric current.
A: The Joule, a unit of energy. Also for the electric current density.
K: Usually used as constants (eg: F = k q1 q2 / r2). k for Boltzmann's constant.
L: Liter; angular momentum, orbital quantum number. Also commonly used for long (length).
M: mass, magnetization, meters.
N: Newton, the unit of force. Also the main quantum number and the number of particles (number) in a mole.
O: Well, this letter is not used because it looks like the number zero. If only the other form, may be used as the unit of resistance, Ohm.
P: Power (power); pressure (pressure), electric polarization, p for the electric dipole moment and linear momentum.
Q: Often used in thermodynamics for business. q for electric charge.
R: usually used for the radius of the circle (radius) and distance (range).
S: Entropy. s for second (second) and spin in quantum physics.
T: Time; period; temperature. Also T for Tesla, a unit for magnetic induction field.
U: Internal energy. Sometimes used to indicate the speed, if the letter v is used.
V: The speed, the velocity. Also quantities and units of voltage (voltage and volts) and the potential in general.
W: Business (Work). Watt is a unit of power.
X, Y, Z are used as coordinates. Y for Young's modulus; in nuclear physics, Z represents the number of protons in the nucleus.